
Omber asoiaf
Omber asoiaf


Chekhov's Gunman: Septon Barth's writings are mentioned several times, and he appeared to have had a much better handle on the magical nature of the planet than the rest of the world.CamelCase: People and things from Yi Ti are called YiTish.Who, it should be noted, despised each other. There was Daemon Blackfyre trying to usurp the Iron Throne from his half-brother Daeron Targaryen, with the two of them being respectively aided by their other half-brothers Aegor "Bittersteel" Rivers and Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers. The first Blackfyre Rebellion was built on this.In Yi Ti, it is believed the Long Night began when the Amethyst Empress was slain by her younger brother, who became the Bloodstone Emperor.Their branches of the family almost wiped the other out before Aegon had Rhaenyra fed to his dragon. Cain and Abel: Rhaenyra and her half-brother Aegon II, though both cause so much devastation fighting over the Iron Throne that it's hard to tell who we're supposed to root for (although, granted, that's probably the point).With Qarth they finally made it big because of its convenient location to control sea trade, and became the filthy rich Qartheen we know from the main saga. After the Doom of Valyria the Dothraki came along and wiped out most of their cities until only Qarth remained. They lost most of their wars with the Sarnori and retreated until they ended up in the least desirable piece of real estate west of the Bone Mountains, a region which promptly started turning into a desert. Butt-Monkey: The Qaathi people spent centuries filling this role in Essos.Most of what the maesters know about these distant places comes from Velaryon's accounts. Corlys Velaryon was the first Westerosi to visit the Thousand Isles and the city of Nefer.Maester Yandel constantly references his accounts. Lomas Longstrider visited the better part of the Known World.The Bluebeard: King Maegor the Cruel had at least two of his wives killed.

omber asoiaf

Even ignoring that, there are currently three claimants with their own courts trying to ignore each other. Actual political power is held by various princes, imperial generals, priest-kings, sorcerers, warlords and even tax collectors.

omber asoiaf

In practice however, his authority doesn't extent beyond the capital city of Yin.

  • Authority in Name Only: Theoretically, the god-emperor of Yi Ti rules all of the Golden Empire.

  • Artistic License – History: Yandel disparages in-universe examples, such as the songs claiming that Serwyn of the Mirror Shield, a First Man hero from thousands of years ago, was not just a knight, even though knighthood wasn't even a thing until the Andals took over, but was also a member of the Kingsguard, an institution that is less than three hundred years old.
  • Yandel notes that bizarrely the sprawling crypt was clearly the main focus of the original builders, since unlike other ancestral seats that have been in place since prehistory every surface structure in Winterfell beyond the very simple Old Keep guarding the crypt entrance are later additions.
  • Ancient Tomb: The crypt of Winterfell.
  • In this book, the third Blackfyre rebellion is left very vague, clearly so that it can be explored in a Dunk & Egg novella when Martin has the time.
  • This holds true for the Tales of Dunk and Egg as well.
  • Some of these events (particularly concerning Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark) are presumably being held back for subsequent novels, although a simple in-universe explanation is that Yandel is writing for the winner of that war and probably wants to avoid writing anything he wouldn't like.
  • All There in the Manual: This is the manual! It's also inverted, as many of the events surrounding Robert's Rebellion are glossed over with the excuse that they are so familiar to current readers (that is, people living in Westeros "today") that describing them is unnecessary.
  • Agent Scully: Yandel tends to dismiss accounts of magic as exaggerated or just fabricated.
  • Who may or may not have been Deep One hybrids.
  • There are a few examples built by the forgotten culture known as the Maze Builders.
  • omber asoiaf

  • Asshai-by-the-Shadow (if the tales are to be believed) is so impossibly ancient that even the people who live in it don’t know who built it, is so absurdly large that it could fit several of the world’s largest cities inside it with room to spare, and was built using an oily black stone that’s virtually indestructible.

    Sarnori women were chariot drivers and light cavalry. In centuries past, before their kingdom was destroyed by the Dothraki, it was the custom among the Sarnori for men and women to wage war together.In the fortress cities of Shamyriana, Kayakayanaya and Bayasabhad, only women can be warriors, a practice that they inherited from the ancient Patrimony of Hyrkoon.

    Omber asoiaf